Queue ominous music....
Last night here in Phoenix at about 21:30 a couple of huge storm rolled through the valley. Winds were measured at 85 to 90 miles per hour (officially) and at 100 mph (unofficially). The first storm passed just barely to the south of us and dropped 1/2 inch hail. It also knocked several branches off of our pine tree in the front yard.

Our power went out for about a half an hour. When power came back on I checked out the Weather channel and found that another storm was heading right for us. We went to bed and the second storm hit some time after I went to sleep. It knocked out power again at some point. I got up arround 00:00 and called SRP they were aware of the outage. I went back to bed. I had a 700 watt inverter connected to a truck battery to power a fan so I could sleep. At around 05:00 I woke up again and power was still out. I called SRP again and they said power would be out until about noon. I got up and deployed my 3000 watt Coleman generator (you do have one as well, right???). I used it to keep our Refrigerator and freezer working. I also broke out the new
1200 watt 2 stroke camping generator and used that to power our TV so I could see what was going on in the world.
I drove around to see some of the damage. I found trees down everywhere.

Plus all the signs over the suicide lane were blown at a 45 degree angle.

Some time around 9:30 the power came back on.
Kill ominous music...
1 comment:
Definately the kind of storm we haven't seen here in years. Lots of downed trees all over, and BIG ones too. The most impressive happening in my neighborhood was the downed telephone poles on 40st between Shea and Cactus. A photo of which appeared in the paper.
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