Number of new cases with 7 day moving average.
11.43% of total population infected (Arizona)
1.52% of the worlds population (known infections)
Arizona Terminal Percentage 1.99%.
Global Terminal Percentage 2.21%.
increase in cases from 10 days ago (Arizona) 1.32%
Arizona 1 day increase .03%
Average number of new infections per day since 10-01-2020 to 3-13-2021 3741 at present rate of infection it will take 18 years to infect all of AZ (this is a constantly moving estimate).
average number of covid deaths per day since 10-1-2020 to 3-13-2021 66. Average number of deaths per day in all of Arizona for all reasons(based on 2018 numbers) 102
updated 03-13-2021
03-13-2021 one year since I started this, I think this is long enough. Final numbers for the year. Average number of deaths per day 45 average number of infections per day 2273 Mortality rate 1.99%. Average mortality rate for the year 2.47%. (Arizona only)
03-07-2021 Second to last post, I will be wrapping this up on the 1 year anniversary of when I first posted. Levels are now down to 10-2020 numbers and I am bored with this.
02-17-2021 11% of AZ population infected.
02-07-2021 Definitely a downward trend in new infections. Highest number of one day reported infection was 17234 on 1-3-2021 and highest number of reported deaths of 335 on 1-12-2021
01-31-2021 We appear to be over the hump for wave 2.
01-25-2021 10% of Arizona Population infected.
01-15-2021 9% of Arizona population infected.
01-12-2021 All time high number of deaths 335.
01-07-2021 8% Arizona Population infected.
01-03-2021 All time high number of infections in one day 17234.
12-30-2020 7% Arizona Population infected.
12-27-2020 Achievement unlocked 1.03% world population infected.
12-20-2020 we could be over the hump for wave 2 but I bet Christmas morons will fix that.
12-16-2020 6% AZ population infected. Vaccinations started.
12-08-2020 new all time high 12314 new cases in one day.
12-06-2020 achievement unlocked 5% AZ population infected.
12-01-2020 And there it is! All the people who HAD to have thanksgiving together! 10322 new cases today.
11-29-2020 oh boy lets see how many morons get infected because they had to have big thanksgivings. We are at a higher rate (on average) than in the first wave.
11-20-2020 4% AZ population infected 3 years to infect everyone at this rate.
11-18-2020 Governor has a press conference reiterates current health policies, but does not implement any new lock down, or changes in health policies.
11-15-2020 we are at the same level of infection as we were on 06-20-2020 I predict a peak just after Christmas.
10-29-2020 Second wave appears to be starting. We have had a steady rise for the last month. The governor had a press conference but did not announce closures. I expect that to happen after the election.
10-18-2020 reset average new infections and average deaths per day it was 1072 and 30.
10-11-2020 Stats from first wave:
5-16-2020 Highest death rate percentage 4.98%
7-1-2020 Highest number of reported infections in one day 4877
7-30-2020 Highest reported deaths in one day 172
9-30-2020 Achievement unlocked 3% of Arizona Infected. 194 months (16.16 years to infect all of AZ)
8-9-2020 we are over the hump of the second First wave.
7-26-2020 Added Monthly closeup graphs below.
7-22-2020 we hit
2% of AZ population infected.
7-19-2020 we appear to be over a hump at this time, however when schools reopen in August it will get worse.
7-18-2020 actual numbers are
141265 and
7-8-2020 new prediction there will be
140112 infections, and
2143 deaths on 7-18-2020.
1% of the AZ population is now infected.
5-31-2020 Testing Blitz in AZ is reason for more infections being found in the last week.
5-13-2020 my prediction was exceeded on 5-13-2020 with 12176 cases so my calculations are pretty close.
5-4-2020 Prediction 12003 cases by 5-14-2020.
Although this data is pulled from websites
that are up to date, it may reflect information that is 1 to 3 weeks
behind the actual number of infections.
Stop the spread Stay home!
Remember we are all dying because some fucking moron in another country has to eat an exotic animal, and they haven't stopped because of the pandemic.
For the first time in recorded history, all you have to do to help save the world is stay home and do nothing. You'd think we'd be able to not screw that up.
March 2020
April 2020
May 2020
June 2020
July 2020
August 2020
September 2020
October 2020