Including one out front, and one hanging from the ceiling.
Everything in the LRFD is place with Meticulous care and all space is used.
We stayed at a friend of Bob's house. They were out of town so we house sat.
They had a cat named Mija.
They had a cat named Mija.

We saw the Fremont Troll under the bridge.
The loud chirping noise is an alarm call made by the deer.
We did some other things I don't have any decent pictures of, we did some antiquing, and drove up into the cascade mountains. A couple of days later we visited another friend of Bob's this guy used to be an insurance salesman (I think) he had model trains all over his his basement and garage.

Including his bathroom.

We went on a tour of a Russian Foxtrot-Class Cobra sub that I believe is still in Seattle.

I took a picture through the periscope.