
You are Defeated Annoying Epson Printer

So I had a simple idea. I had acquired a Trintec wall clock and thermometer from Goodwill for $5. The clock had a face like an artificial horizon (which is stupid).
Everyone knows that aviation wall clocks should look like Altimeters (DUH!). however I could not find one on the internets that looked good when printed. SO! I made my own in autocad and converted it to something printable.
It only took about 4 or 5 hours (SHUT UP!). BUT THEN THE FUN BEGAN! Printing it on my laser printer produced shitty results. I drug out my old Epson CX7800 and tried printing with it. OH GREAT! well if you don't print on an epson printer like you know EVERYDAY! it dries out. So I had to spend several hours getting the printheads unclogged.(Magenta still will not print). This is made even more annoying as epson cleans EVERY print head even if they do not have a problem. So I wasted a crap load of ink. I had to go to staples and pick up some more this morning. Then spent several tries getting the printer to print ONLY in black and to do so on the glossy paper I have. See if you tell the printer that you have glossy paper it does not allow you to print in black ink only. So I tricked it by telling it I had thick card stock. Finally after 2 days, untold amounts of wasted paper, and about $80 dollars in ink (I'm not bitter)... BEHOLD!
Trintec has the same one on their site and it only cost $70. SHUT UP JUST SHUT UP!