Showing posts with label google. Show all posts
Showing posts with label google. Show all posts


google maps see my real time location using excessive memory and tracking stops

on rare occasions someone I know shares their real time location, and when they do their location is updated non-stop instead of like once every 30 seconds or however it works.

since then it has not done it, now this morning he shared his location and it's doing it again. using up all my memory in a very short amount of time. going from 12.7 gigs till either the browser crashes or it just stops tracking until I close and reopen the browser. happens in firefox and in chrome.

here is a no sound video of what is happening. nothing is artificially sped up. it doesn't matter what version of firefox or chrome, when it happens it, this is what happens. I upgraded my memory since the last post and went from 16 to 48 gigs. so now my computer doesn't freeze.


yesterday my wife shared her location, and it did not do this. on other occasions the other person shares their location and it does not do this.


Earth Fissures in Queen Creek

While looking up information on geological formations of Arizona I stumbled on a map overlay for google earth that shows the location of known surface fissures in Arizona.
The nearest fissure to me that would be easy to get to is at  33.207964°,-111.728298°
But as you can see the top 90% of the area has been bulldozed flat recently for houses.
So we went to a different location located at:  33.200071°,-111.618853°
here is the google earth view with the overlay:
Those black areas that look like holes in the ground...

Are indeed holes in the ground, approximately 10 to 15 foot deep. It's hard to tell because we did not want to get too close to the edge lest the sides cave in.
What causes them? one theory is excessive pumping of ground water.
More information can be found here,  the map overlay can be got here.